Draft Beer Line Cleaning


This video by the Brewers Association shows the exact methods and processes we use to produce clean beer lines every time

What is beer line cleaning, exactly?

Proper draft beer line cleaning is a service performed on your draft beer dispensing system every 14 days, and it should be done by professionals with appropriate equipment, methods, and processes to ensure that you serve clean, safe draft beer and stay compliant with Ohio law.

What will it do for us? 

Professional draft beer line cleaning will reduce waste, improve taste, and increase the profitability of your draft beer program.

Less Waste

Cleaning your lines properly removes accumulated sediments and microbial deposits that cause your system pressures and calibrations to go awry, and wastes beer to foam. These deposits make your beer too foamy, and makes it taste bad. Professional beer line cleaning and care fixes all of this.

Better Taste

All beer contains microbes like yeasts which, when left in draft beer lines for too long, will attract fungi to attack them, which and ruins the taste of your beer. Proper cleaning of your entire draft beer dispensing system removes these microbes and other impurities too. Professional beer line cleaning makes your beer taste great again.

More Profit

It really is this simple: When you hire us to keep your beer lines free of accumulated microbes and sediment, your bartenders will stop pouring foam and money down the drain. You'll also find that when you consistently serve clean, fresh-tasting beer to your customers, they will order more of it and order it more often.

Lower Maintenance & Repair Costs

Your draft beer system contains several critical parts that, when not maintained properly, will eventually fail and require repair or replacement. These failures are almost always caused by failing to do line cleaning the right way, failing to clean on a regular basis, and by neglecting scheduled maintenance. Professional draft beer line cleaning saves you a lot of trouble.

How often should my lines be cleaned?

All commercial beer dispensing systems in Ohio must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized every 14 days.   Also, you must  keep a signed record showing each date it was performed, and what methods were used.  The equipment and methods used must be in compliance with the rules set forth in the Ohio Administrative Code Section 4301:1-1-28 (A) (2). You can read it here.

No matter what anyone else tells you, there is no “gray area” or “loophole” in the law.  You can lose your liquor license entirely for flagrantly ignoring this rule.  Remember that your own Coil Cleaning Record shows every potential violation on your premises for the past two years.

For these reasons it is in your best interest to have this work performed by qualified line cleaning technicians who follow the law and best practices to keep your system clean. 

And it’s just good business to serve your customers safe, clean beer that tastes the way its brewmaster intended it to taste.

Ohio Administrative Code: Liquor Control Commission
Chapter 4301:1-1-28 (A) (2)

4301:1-1-28 Beer and wine: cleaning and sterilizing dispensing apparatus. (A) Cleaning of beer and wine apparatus, pipelines, and barrel tubes. (1) Beer pipelines, barrel tubes, faucets, and taps must be cleaned not less than every two weeks, or as recommended by the beer manufacturer, equipment manufacturer, or manufacturer of the chemical cleaner used. In all such methods, the cleaning must be done with a suitable detergent, detergent and sterilizer, or either of the above in combination with an external audio frequency device.